Acupuncture & Chiropractic session include needling & adjustments. Extra modalities like infrared light, electric stimulation, propioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PIR/PFS), myofascial release technique, and percussion massager may be included based on the clinician’s treatment plan for the patient. Appointments and walk-ins are welcomed. We do not take insurance. Experience hassle-free service without insurance concerns.
Health Savings Account (HSA) and Flexible Savings Account (FSA) accepted.
We do not bill or accept Medicare insurance or third-party carriers like Workers Compensation and Personal Injury.
Please Note: Medicare’s rules and regulations include categories like participating or nonparticipating, which our wellness model office is not enrolled with. As a result, we may or may not be able to see Medicare or Medicare eligible patients. Patients eligible for Medicare can find clinicians who accept this plan by visiting, navigating to the "Providers and Services" tab on the main page, and selecting 'Find care providers.' Alternatively, we can provide a list of local clinics equipped to serve you.
Pay Per Visit
Initial Visit
Subsequent Visit
Save money by receiving TWO distinct treatments in a single visit. Experience the therapeutic advantages of both treatments during one session.
*Acupuncture Needling and Chiropractic Adjustments
Subsequent Visit Pack
6 Visits Package: $360
10 Visits Package: $550
20 Visits Package: $1000
Save EVEN MORE money by receiving TWO distinct treatments in a single visit. Experience the therapeutic advantages of both treatments during one session. *Packages expire after a year and can only be purchased in clinic at the moment.
*Acupuncture Needling and Chiropractic Adjustments
The value of offers may differ for patients eligible for Medicare, and restrictions may apply.